Bayside Family Dentist Discusses Link Between Acid Reflux & Gum Disease
If you suffer from GERD (Gastroesophageal Acid Reflux Disease), you are also at risk for gum disease. GERD allows the acid to come back from your stomach into your esophagus and then eventually it finds its way into your mouth. This isn’t just a dangerous medical condition, but there can be dental concerns stemming from it as well. Learn more with your Bayside family dentist, Dr. Davantzis, by reading on below.
Gum Disease
There are many reasons why a person can suffer from gum disease and acid reflux happens to be one of them. The acid causes irritation of your gums which can turn into periodontal disease. It’s much like allowing your teeth to bathe in acid.
If this is allowed to continue for extended periods, the enamel on your teeth will end up damaged. The layer beneath, the dentin, then becomes exposed and you’ll start to feel sensitivity and pain. When this happens, most people avoid brushing or flossing due to the discomfort.
Avoiding your dental hygiene only makes the matter worse and allows plaque to build on the teeth. This dangerous cycle creates the ideal environment for decay and gum disease.
Prevent Gum Disease
Start by having a comprehensive medical examination from your doctor. Talk about any acid reflux symptoms you are experiencing and how it affects your life. Most likely, they’ll prescribe you a medication to control the amount of acid residing in your stomach. There are some other tips that might help you relieve the acid reflux symptoms:
• Sleep with your head raised or lay on your left-hand side.
• Eat smaller meals.
• Avoid eating in the late hours before bed.
• Don’t eat anything spicy.
• Avoid eating hard to digest foods like meat.
• Rinse your mouth with water and a teaspoon of baking soda when you feel the acid reflux symptoms.
Treating your acid reflux is about more than creating a healthy body, it’s also about making your teeth the best they can be. Brush and floss regularly and don’t forget to visit your Bayside family dentist twice a year for a full checkup. When you are diligent with your mouth, it will repay you with many years of healthy white smiles.